Xlii also called sequenced picture, are the pictures in which the persons are doing activities in sequences. According to Raimes 1983: 36 pairs of pictures or pictures in sequence provide for a variety of guided and free writing exercises.

  1. Materi Persamaan Garis Lurus
  2. Makalah Tentang Persamaan Garis Lurus

Hubungan antar garis SMA kelas 11. Setelah itu carilah persamaan. -7 KOMPETENSI CONTOH SOAL LATIHAN MATERI GARIS TEGAK LURUS KOMPETENSI. Pada materi matematika kelas 11 SMA kurikulum 2013 yang terbagi dalam beberapa bab dengan format pdf iini telah dilengkapi dengan beberapa contoh soal beserta penyelesaiannya. Selain itu juga terdapat latihan soal yang bisa kamu coba untuk mengerjakannya. Garis yang tegak lurus dengan. Tali busur,, 21. Kilogram,, 23. Materi sebelum belajar turunan. Dimulai dari satu,, 33. PEMBELAJARAN PERSAMAAN GARIS LURUS DI SMP.pdf.

A picture sequence, such as a comic strip, provides the subject matter for writing narrative and for speculating about the story beyond the pictures in the strip. A set of parallel pictures-pictures that show a similar scene or tell a similar story- provides material that offers guidance on vocabulary, sentence structure, and organization yet lets the students write about new subject matter.

Materi Persamaan Garis Lurus

Picture Selection However, before the teacher employs pictures in the classroom, he must consider several factors. It is important to select pictures that can endorse the success of teaching learning process. Morgan and Bowen 1994: 5 recommend some considerations that must be emphasized in selecting a picture: 1 Appeal The content of the picture should capture the interest and imagination of the class members. 2 Relevance The picture should be appropriate for the purpose of the lesson. However fascinating the picture might be to the students, it is of no xliii use to the teacher in that particular lesson if it does not contribute directly to the aim of the lesson. 3 Recognition The significant features of the picture should be within the students’ knowledge and cultural understanding 4 Size A picture to be held up before the class should be large enough to be seen clearly by all.


The detail of picture should be visible from the back of the room. 5 Clarity A crowded picture can confuse and distract.

Civilcad para autocad 2007. Please perform the release check by launching the arcania.exe. Student should be able to see the relevant details clearly. Strong outlines and contrast in tone and color are important in avoiding ambiguity.


Brown and Lewis 1964: 445 say that teacher should choose the excellence of pictures. They also state five criteria about the selection of pictures as follows: is the picture sufficiently interesting to catch and hold the attention and interest of students with whom it will be used?

Makalah Tentang Persamaan Garis Lurus

Is it sufficiently large and simple to be seen clearly? Is the information portrays important to the topic being studied? Is the information accurate truthful, up to date and does it have a basis for needed size comparison? Is the picture well reproduces, realistic and attractive? They add, to get the maximum result, the pictures should be relevant, large enough to be read xliv easily in detail, simple reproducing, realistic rather than stylized, and integrated with the text.

In addition, Wright 1989: 2 considers that there are five criteria for selecting the pictures, they are easy to prepare, easy to organize, interesting, meaningful and authentic, sufficient and amount of language. Any teachers either teachers of advanced adult students or teacher of exam classes, or teachers of beginners can apply these five criteria. Teaching Procedure Using Picture.

This entry was posted on 5/20/2019.