
Dongle Driver Windows 7

Scan performed on 4/24/2017, Computer: HP P5282A-ABA 9995 - Windows 7 64 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:6/22

Windows 7 Bluetooth Drivers

DongleAbe Bluetooth Dongle Driver Windows 7

Feb 19, 2014 - I have an Abe UB22S from Lego for Mindstorms NXT. More about windows usb bluetooth dongle work windows bit. I have yet to come across a USB device that Windows 7 did not automatically detect and install the driver. Recently we came across a useful app that can get your Bluetooth device to work with Microsoft Bluetooth Stack. If you have a Bluetooth device who’s driver fails to install in Windows 7 rendering your Bluetooth adapter useless, you can give this app a try.

Device/DriverStatusStatus DescriptionUpdated By Scanner
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 erweiterter Hostcontroller - 265CUp To Date and Functioning
Mice And Touchpads
Wacom Wacom Mouse MonitorUp To Date and Functioning
Microsoft Microsoft USB IntelliMouse ExplorerUp To Date and Functioning
Wacom Wacom MouseUp To Date and Functioning
Usb Devices
Ericsson AB H5321 gw Mobile Broadband DeviceUp To Date and Functioning
Sound Cards And Media Devices
Logitech Webcam C170Corrupted By Bluetooth Dongle
Motorola Motorola SM56 Speakerphone ModemCorrupted By Bluetooth Dongle
NVIDIA NVIDIA HDMI Audio DeviceCorrupted By Bluetooth Dongle
Network Cards
DisplayLink Lenovo USB EthernetUp To Date and Functioning
Microsoft Keyboard Device FilterUp To Date and Functioning
Hard Disk Controller
Advanced Micro Devices ATI IDE ControllerCorrupted By Bluetooth Dongle
Intel Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 4Corrupted By Bluetooth Dongle
Point Grey Research Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host ControllerUp To Date and Functioning
Western Digital WD SES Device USB DeviceUp To Date and Functioning
Point Grey Research OHCI-konformer Texas Instruments 1394-HostcontrollerUp To Date and Functioning
Intel Port racine express PCI Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM PCI - 2660Up To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Realtek Realtek USB2.0 PC CameraUp To Date and Functioning
Video Cards
ATI ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9600/9700 SeriesUp To Date and Functioning
Input Devices
Microsoft USB Human Interface DeviceUp To Date and Functioning
Port Devices
Alcatel MT6235Up To Date and Functioning
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024x768)Up To Date and Functioning
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIACorrupted By Bluetooth Dongle
This entry was posted on 5/7/2019.